For any information please contact the Company.
All offers for used machines are to be considered subject to “prior sale”

pressa-idraulica ftk-150

FTK 150
Hydraulic baling press for packing textile material in form of a staple.
Production 3/4 bales / hour
New Press

FTK 60
Hydraulic baling press for packing textile material in form of a staple.
Production 3/4 bales / hour
Very recent press

GR 60
Hydraulic baling press for packing textile material in form of a staple with double pressure box.
Production 5/6 bales / hour

FTR 300
Hydraulic baling press for packing textile material in form of a staple with double pressure box.
High production

Condenser device receives the fiber / textile material from pneumatic duct and cleans the fiber from dust and impurities.